This tutorial will show you how to set up a Beekeeper Chatbot that can transform message-based brainstorming into an effective video conference strategy meeting in no time! With this comprehensive guide, you'll learn how to harness the power of technology to take your strategy meetings to the next level. So come join us and let's get your Zoom meetings up and running in the Beekeeper ecosystem!
Once completed, any user will be able to add the Zoom Chatbot to a direct or group message and generate a brand new video conference by simply typing an activation command. Here we will use the activation command /zoom.
Initial Knowledge and Resources
This tutorial assumes that you have visited our Beekeeper Zapier page and have the following:
- An admin enabled, user visible Beekeeper Bot
- A Premium subscription to your Zapier Account (this chatbot requires Multi-Step Zaps)
- NOTE: If you are interested in trialing this functionality before subscribing to a Premium Zapier Account, they do offer a 14-day free trial of Premium features
- A Zoom account to integrate with
Chat Trigger Setup
1.) Open Zapier and begin creating a new Zap by clicking + Create Zap! in the upper left-hand corner of the window. This will open the Zapier setup page and it will ask you to set up a Trigger.
For our Chatbot, we will want this Zap to be triggered when somebody sends a predefined message in a chat room with the ChatBot as a participant.
On the opening dialog, select the Beekeeper App and the (Instant) New Chat Message (Chats 2.0) Trigger as the Event.
2.) Once you arrive at the Choose Account page, select the Beekeeper account dropdown and either select the bot account you wish to us, or select the + Connect a New Account option to connect a new bot account.
It's highly recommended to create a dedicated Beekeeper Bot as reusing existing bots can cause problems with existing functionality. In this example, we've created a dedicated bot called Zoom Chatbot. It's important to note that the Beekeeper Bot needs both Admin permissions and to be Visible to the other users.
In case of a newly created Beekeeper Bot - a manual step is required to make Zapier Test integration step succeed.
3.) Login to your Beekeeper tenant and create a new direct message with the Zoom ChatBot from the 2nd step and send a "/zoom" message to it. Our goal is to make the ChatBot respond to a specific command, so here we'll use the "/zoom" command as our test message:
5.) Now return to the Zapier and Continue to the Test step.
Click on Test trigger
!!!! After this step the integration breaks for me - I could not find /zoom message
and (if your message has not already populated,) select one of the two Test options. Once you see a message appear in the Find Data section, confirm the bot is registering new chats by checking the text field. As you can see the text in message A below is /zoom.
6.) Click Done Editing and move on to setting up our activation filter!
Activation Filter
This Zap will be triggered any time a message is sent in a group that contains the Zoom Chatbot and because we don't want every message to generate a new zoom meeting we need to filter out the majority of the messages.
1.) Between the (Instant) New Chat Message in Beekeeper and the Do This, select the small plus sign to add in another Zap component.
2.) Select the Filter component in the Helpers section.
3.) In Filter Setup & Testing choose Message Text for the first block, (text) contains for the second block, and type in /zoom for the third block.
What this does is forces the Zap to consider the text of a message and only continue the zap if it finds the keyword /zoom.
Generating the Zoom Meeting
Now that the Zap has passed the filter we must generate a Zoom meeting!
1.) Move to the next component of the Zapier and select the Zoom app. Once this populates, under the Choose Action Event, select Create Meeting from the two options available.
2.) Once you hit Continue, you will be given the option to select a Zoom account to connect with. For this either select an already connected account or use the Add a New Account option and follow through the prompts to connect a new account.
3.) The Customize Create Meeting template should pop up and this is where we define the meeting to generate. There are 4 required fields, and the only two that we need to focus on are the Meeting Type and When.
4.) For Meeting Type select the Meeting option, and for the When field, use the insert a field button to see the data options gathered from Beekeeper in stage 1. Due to the fact that this chatbot can feasibly be called at any time of the day, use the Message Send Date in the Beekeeper section to define when the meeting should start.
5.) The rest of the fields are not as crucial, and for this tutorial I've used the Sender's Display Name data field to create a customized Topic, and chosen 15 as the meeting Duration.
6.) Continue to the Send Data step and test the Zap. Once it succeeds, notice that the zap has fully been realized and now has the option to be turned on. While we could activate this Zap, there is one last step that we must complete before our Chatbot has the functionality we want.
Returning the Zoom Meeting to the Chat
To give users access to the meeting, we must use Zapier to send an automated reply to the chat with the meeting attached.
1.) Add another component to the end of the Zap by clicking on the plus beneath the Zoom component. Here, select Beekeeper as the app and the Send Reply to Chat action event.
2.) Connect your Beekeeper account, making sure that you select the same bot that you used in the first step of setting up the trigger.
3.) Once the Customize Message template populates, the first thing to populate is the Chat Conversation field. Select the Custom tab and from the (Instant) New Chat Message in Beekeeper section choose the Conversation ID.
4.) Next you need to add the Zoom Join URL to the Message Text field. To do this, click on the text field and in the Insert Data ... popup, click Create Meeting in Zoom and Show All Options. In these extended options, insert the Join URL option.
5.) Continue to the Send Data section and test the zap with either of the test options. Once this test completes, return to your Beekeeper tenant and check back into the chat you sent the initial /zoom message. You should see a response from the bot that has the attached Zoom meeting you generated in section 3 of this tutorial!
6.) The last step to building this Zap is to turn it on! You can do this via the tab that appears at the bottom of your screen or the toggle in the top right of the Zapier.
Congratulations! You've built a Zoom chat bit that can initiate video meetings in no time. All you need to do is add the bot to a Beekeeper Chat, type in the '/zoom' keyword, and you'll be ready to go! Make conference calls and video meetings easier than ever with this powerful new tool.
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