Enter Key Options in Chats
You can choose on the web whether the Enter key should send a message or whether it should create a new line in the message that you are typing.
Once you select the option Send messages with Enter, each time you press Enter, the message will be sent. To add a new line in a message, you will have to use the key combination Shift+Enter.
If you select the option Send messages with Ctrl+Enter, you will need to push both keys to send the message. Clicking on Enter will only add a new line in the existing message.
This setting can be found in the added "General Settings" section (only in your browser):
Navigate to your profile picture on the top right
Select Settings
In the General Settings, set the option you prefer to be activated.
Desktop notifications
Desktop notifications create a popup message each time a chat message is received. Popup messages provide both a visual and audio notification of a received chat message and appear even when the browser is minimized. You can activate them or disable them according to your preferences.

Only the very first time, grant permissions to your browser. A native popup will automatically show (the look of which may depend on your browser) to ask you for permission. If allowed, the setting will be enabled, otherwise it will remain disabled. This particular step only needs to be done once. After that, you can freely toggle the setting on/off according to your liking.
Notifications behavior
If the “Desktop Notifications” setting is enabled, you should start receiving notifications for new Chat messages. There are a few rules to note on how those notifications behave:
Notifications will not show for muted Chats.
If you have the tab with the Beekeeper app active, then notifications will not show. In other words, notifications only start appearing once you switch tab or window entirely.
If a user sends a picture, a small preview of the picture will be visible in the notification itself (assuming the user’s operating system supports it).*
Whenever multiple messages are sent in short succession in the same Chat, instead of showing multiple notifications (i.e. 1 per message), we only show 1 notification per Chat, but the content of that notification gets updated with the latest message.**
* On some browsers/operating systems, the picture preview may not be supported. For example, Firefox/Windows doesn’t show the preview.
** On some browsers/operating systems, the UX might be less smooth, causing the whole notification to disappear and reappear again instead of smoothly updating itself.

Notifications Look & Feel
This feature utilizes the browser’s native desktop notifications. Which means:
Beekeeper has no control of the notification UI, we only set its content.
The way that notifications look, including animations and placement on the screen is fully dependent on the user’s operating system and browser and may vary greatly
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