After uploading new documents or updating existing files in the Document Library, ensure employees see these documents by sending push notifications. Our solution uses Campaigns to deliver push notifications to a targeted audience.
Why use Campaigns to send Document push notifications?
Increase document open rates by using Campaigns to send personalized notifications to multiple users at once. The Campaign message includes direct links to the uploaded documents and can be customized as needed. After it’s sent, users receive a push notification and will see the Campaign message in Chats. Campaigns enable global, location and group admins to:
- Precisely target the audience of the document push notification
- Add context and additional information to the uploaded files
- Confirm users have seen the notification with read receipts
- Schedule notifications to fit your communication plan
- Send follow-up messages from previous notifications
- Track analytics around push notifications (e.g. open rate)
Learn more about Campaigns here.
How to send push notifications for newly uploaded files
- Select the files to be included in the push notification
When uploading new files, you will see a toggle in the upload pop-up window. Select the file(s) you want to be included in the push notification. This will automatically include links to the selected files in the push notification Campaign message.
- Start the notification Campaign
In the next pop-up, you’ll see how many users from the document folder target group will receive the notification. Click “Continue to Campaigns” to start creating the document notification.
- Specify notification audience, message and send the Campaign
Fill out the Campaign fields to create the notification, see here for more information about how to complete a Campaign. The Campaign message already includes a default message, informing employees about the uploaded documents with direct links to the Document Library. You can customize the document notification content by changing the Campaign message.
How to send push notifications for existing files?
You can also define push notifications for previously added files. The option to define notifications is located under the cog icon next to each existing document.
After selecting "Notify" you will be redirected to exactly the same flow described above.
Why can't I notify all users?
If you see an additional message in the summary window after selecting files for the push notification, it means that you do not have permissions to manage all the groups and locations that have access to the folder where the files are located.
ℹ️ Remember that files uploaded by you will be visible as before to the entire folder target group. The limitation due to permissions only applies to upload campaigns with notification.
What can I do to make the push notification reach everyone?
Ask another admin with more permissions (Global Admin or Location / Org-unit admin with higher permissions) to trigger push notification according to the flow shown or ask for additional permissions.
Why do I see a notice that not all users have access to selected files?
If you have changed the target group of the campaign, adding additional units, you may have added groups and/or locations that don’t have visibility of the selected files. It may also be the case that you manually added URLs to files that users don’t have permissions to view.
In order to deliver the notification to them effectively:
a) Align target audience and files so that all target audiences have access to the selected files.
b) Or add a file to another folder and define a push notification accordingly.
Sending a campaign in spite of the visibility issue described above will send a campaign and trigger a push notification, but users will not be able to see the linked documents after clicking the URL.
Will sending a campaign to employees outside those with access to the folder provide them also with the access?
If you send the campaign to groups and locations outside those with folder visibility, they will not be able to see the attached files. They will receive a push notification and a chat message including URLs, but when they click on the URL, they will see a message that they do not have access to the file.
Can I manually make changes in the campaign creator, e.g. changing target groups or adding URLs to other files?
In the campaign builder you can make any changes (target group, content, other features). However, if you add URLs to files that the campaign's target audience does not have access to, then such recipients will not be able to open and see the file. The same will happen when you manually expand the campaign target group to include groups and locations that do not have access to the shared files.
You will be warned about such a situation in the last step of creating a campaign.
Learn more here.
Who will be the sender of the sent campaign with notification?
Users will receive a campaign (chat message) from the account used to upload the files and set up the notification. In addition, Global Admins have the option to select a Company Account as the sender.
Learn more about Company Accounts here.
Can I see how many users have opened the file?
You can see how many users clicked on the campaign they received, that is, opened the chat message containing URLs to shared files. To do this, go to "Engagement" in the Dashboard, select "Campaigns" and then find the right campaign by date to see all available statistics.
Additionally, in the campaign creator you can select the option to require confirmation. Learn more about available features here.
Can notifications be sent when files are managed by an integration (e.g. SharePoint) or added by a Workflow?
When file changes occur using an integration or workflow, it is not possible to send notifications automatically during file uploads or updates.
However, you can select "Notify" at any time for existing files and therefore inform users about important documents. See how to send push notifications for existing files here.
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