This lesson will suggest ways of driving adoption and usage of Beekeeper and give you ideas of how to meet your business objectives.
Firstly, let’s think about how we could drive usage and adoption of Beekeeper.
Ideas for Driving Adoption & Usage
- Introduce Beekeeper during company meeting (Town Hall, All-Hands, All-Company etc.)
- Beekeeper launch day; build anticipation
- Help booth to get employees onboarded, download the app
- Cheat sheet on how to use Beekeeper
- Regular digests with most popular posts sent by email
- Show live stream on screens in the workplace
- Include in orientation for new employees
- Cascade via leadership
- Set the example for end users: share various examples of ways you’d like Beekeeper to be used
- Leadership leading by example, liking, commenting and posting
- Use dashboard to manage participation
- Contests to promote activity
- Create chat-groups ready to use (use existing Whatsapp groups to set up groups in Beekeeper)
- Establish desired use for the chat and get conversation going
- Stop using WhatsApp/ texts and be disciplined about it
- Leadership buy-in
- Use Beekeeper for all important communication and operational information (sole communication tool)
- Integration with other systems
- Send tips / reminders following training sessions
- Formal recognition program
- Reward posts with most likes (employees have an incentive to drive their colleagues to the platform)
- Use in-line translations for employees that don’t speak the official language
Now, let’s take a look at some ideas for driving specific business objectives.
Ideas for Driving Business Objectives
Build / improve culture
- Enable open and transparent two-way communication
- Encourage recognition of effort and achievements
- Provide a platform for, and encourage, collaboration
- Set up labels for company values and encourage employees to use labels when posting to re-inforce how values are lived day-to-day
Increase employee engagement
- Communicate in a transparent way about company wide goals and achievements and make it clear to teams and individuals how they fit into the broader picture and how they contribute
- Provide a channel for employees to have a voice, suggest ideas and feel listened to
- Recognize employee/team achievements - informal recognition (leaders setting the example recognizing team members and peers), create #thankyou label/recognition scheme, employee of the month, our heroes, living our values award scheme etc.
Increase participation at company events
- Inform/invite employees using campaigns
- Include employees in planning by using polls / surveys to understand what they want to get out of the event
- Create buzz around events by posting pictures/videos
- Post-event survey to improve for the next time
Connect people, teams and ideas
- Platform for geographically or functionally dispersed teams to connect around projects & ideas
- Innovation stream where people can get involved in new ideas early; #innovation label, recognition for innovation
- Encourage best practice sharing: #bestpractice label, best practice sharing stream, best practice sharing awards
Enhance new hire onboarding
- Worker Bees to welcome new hires and introduce them to various important information or policies to review and sign
- New hires introducing themselves in a post, warm welcomes from colleagues
- Explore content on platform during new hire orientation to get good insights into what is going on in the company
Improve communications during a crisis
- Wide reach, quickly
- Send campaigns with read-receipts to confirm information has been received
- Integrate with crisis communications systems (e.g. eAlarm)
The next lesson will be ‘IT Planning’. See you there!
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