The following data is shared via the app: approximate location, app activity, app info and performance and device or other IDs.
As the approximate location sharing arouses the highest interest among our users, we shed some more light on the subject.
In compliance with Google Play, we declare the usage of the approximate location for anonymized analytics of the usage of the product:
- The Beekeeper product/app does not make use of any location data from the device for the purpose of the Beekeeper capabilities. That is why the app is not asking for location permission when using it, despite our Google Play app listing stating the usage of low-precision location.
- Beekeeper uses software that anonymously tracks product usage so that we can monitor it and improve the experience (“Analyse”). Such software is listed in our terms and policies. This software determines low-precision location that typically can infer the region/city level. For clarification: this location data is not comparable to GPS-like location data, that can identify location to a high degree of accuracy (all the way down to 1 meter precision). (We do not track GPS location data)
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