This guide will show you how to set up a workflow which sends a confirmation to the person who submitted the form. The conformation can be sent in multiple ways, we will show you how to send it via a chat message or an email.
Steps to create this workflow
- Go to the “Dashboard” and click on “Toolbox”, then “Workflows”
Click on “Create new Workflow” if this is the first workflow in your tenant or “Add New” if there are already some workflows.
- In the “Workflows settings'' panel enter the workflow name and optionally add a description.
- Then click on the “Add a Trigger” placeholder to add a trigger.
- Select “Form submitted” from the trigger list and click on “Add”.
- Within the panel on the right side, in the field “Form name” select the Form which should trigger the workflow.
- Then click on the “Add an Action”.
- Select an Action: “Retrieve user profile data” and click on “Add”.
This step allows to get more information from the selected user’s profile such as: first and last name, role, user email, user name, # of comments, # of likes, # of posts, last activity date, profile creation date…etc. You can reference these fields in the further steps of the workflow, for example to create a dynamic file name or address the chat message or email. -
Fill in the fields in the panel on the right side:
Beekeeper user ID(s) - enter the ID of the person who should receive the chat message. To select the ID of the form submitter use the Magic Variables on the left.
Beekeeper user ID(s) - enter the ID of the person who should receive the chat message. To select the ID of the form submitter use the Magic Variables on the left.
- Click on the “+” below the action to add the next step.
Select an Action: “Convert form submission to a PDF” and click on “Add”.
- Fill in the fields in the panel on the right side:
- Submitted form - use Magic Variables to enter the submitted form.
- Submitter profile data - using this field you can add the details of the person who submitted the form to the generated PDF file: user full name and the avatar picture.
- Page format - select A4 or Letter.
File name - you can enter a static name or use Magic Variables. When you leave it blank, the file name will display the form submission ID. Remember that if you are planning to upload this file to the document library, the file name has to be unique.
13. Select an Action: “Send a chat message” and click on “Add”.
14. Fill in the fields in the panel on the right side:
- Send to - you can select the user to send a chat message or use a variable to reference a user from the previous steps. In this case we want to send a chat message to the user who submitted the form and we will select him/her using a Magic Variable.
- Message - type the chat message.
- Attachment(s) - using Magic Variables select “Generated PDF file key” from the previous step in order to attach the submitted form in a PDF format to the chat message.
15. To send the confirmation via email instead of chat, select the option “Send an email” and click on “Add”.
16. Fill in the fields in the panel on the right side:
- Send to - To select the email address of the form submitter use the Magic Variables on the left and select “User email” from the “Retrieve user profile data” section. In this field you can enter multiple email addresses, in which case you need to separate them with a comma (,).
- Subject/Message - type the subject and body of your email. Use Magic Variables to customize it.
- Email type - you can write your email as plain text or using HTML language for a more sophisticated look. Please note that if you want to use HTML, you need to use an external HTML editor and paste the HTML code in the workflows editor.
Attachment(s) - using Magic Variables, select “Generated PDF file key” from the previous step in order to attach the submitted form in a PDF format to the email.
17. Validate and save your workflow.
Now that your entire workflow is ready you can validate the trigger and each action and save if everything is correct. The system will not let you save the workflows in case something is missing or not correct.
Correctly updated trigger and actions will have a green checkmark:
Incorrectly updated trigger or actions will have a red cross and the field which is not updated will be highlighted in red:
18. When the trigger and all actions have a green checkmark, you can save the workflow.
19. Then you can flip the toggle to activate it.
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