As our customers look to Beekeeper for streamlined processes, increased efficiency and reducing redundancies, a built-in employee recognition program can save time and money by consolidating the tech stack while still achieving a cohesive end-user experience.
Steps to create this workflow:
As a first step, an employee or manager will create and submit a “Spot Award” or “Recognition” form with which to award a colleague points.
You determine what the point system equates to—for example: every employee receives 25 points every month to give away as a thank you or in recognition of a job well done to their colleagues. Every spot award given will earn the recipient 5 points, etc., and once an employee has received a total of 30 points for their contributions--or the number of points you want the threshold to be--a notification will be sent out to the manager/HR/Payroll to process the reward.
These points will live as profile fields under each user—once the profile fields are created, a CSV file will be exported, the 25 points added to everyone’s gifting balance, and the new file re-uploaded to Beekeeper.
A notification could be sent out to the employee alerting them of their re-upped balance at the beginning of every month and of their 30 points+ accomplishment, along with a form where they can pick out a reward out of a list of items (like gift cards, t-shirts, company swag.)
- Employee Recognition Form is Submitted:
- Get form answer of Nominee Name (who is being recognized)
- Add variable of “retrieve user profile data” and select the “form submitter” because we will subtract points from employee gifting’s available balance and transfer it to the employee receiving the shout out.
- Select “retrieve user profile custom field” and choose the “Reward Points to Give” field name because we are using the available points to “give” some away to a colleague.
- Since we are using 5 points out of the 25 available, we’ll calculate with the basic function variable what the remaining balance will be for the gifter.
- With the available balance, we then update the user profile field with the calculation result:
- If the gifter don’t have enough points (have already given away all their 25 points for the month) then no action will be taken, and a notification will be sent to the gifter with the branching function you see below:
- If they do, then on the ‘yes’ branch we retrieve user profile data:
- And create a Stream post with the nice things their colleagues said about them, along with any pictures:
- But first we turn it into a PDF file so it’s easier to read and store for future records:
- This will then be sent for approval to a manager or group (in this example, it was sent for approval to the submitter for simplicity of demo)
- Once approved, this will then update the recipients’ point balance to +5
- Which we have to do basic math calculations for, again, with the same variable from before:
- And the result is that the recipient (or nominated person for the award) will have their profile field within Beekeeper updated automatically to 5 points richer.
- We then branch again if the total number of points the nominee has is greater than 30, for example.
- If yes, we can send a chat message to the user letting them know they have enough points to redeem a reward, another message to their manager, or another to payroll to process the payout. Then we can create a post in a designated recognition stream and upload the PDF to a folder for record keeping.
- If not, we can simply create a recognition post and store the PDF, but without notifications to user/manager/Payroll/HR.
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