Why does Beekeeper not support IP whitelisting?
Beekeeper is hosted on more than one server for the purpose of business continuity. Therefore, incoming traffic will be split across multiple servers within the datacenter. This is done with the help of a Load Balancer. Load Balancers on our datacenters do not have static IP addresses, which means that new addresses get added and old addresses are removed all the time.
This is a continuous occurrence that can be seen across all of our datacenter services. This means that stored videos or images on different sections of the datacenter are affected by these IP changes. Due to this provider-side limitation, we currently do not support IP whitelisting.
Why can I not whitelist domains for Beekeeper?
As per our sub-processor list, Beekeeper relies on external companies to provide some parts of its services. A common example would be our chat-messaging system (PubNub), which is used for real time updates in our Web App.
For example, an author of a chat message could be connected to ps1.pubnub.com in their Beekeeper environment, however, the next chat message could be connected to ps14.pubnub.com.
The provider of this service does not give any guarantee as to who gets which of their servers or how they're named, only where they are physically located. And this service is just one tool amongst many.
Since most of these providers do not give Beekeeper any kind of guarantee as to which domains they will return in our API calls to them, we are not in the position to confirm those FQDN (fully qualified domain names) at any given time.
While it is technically possible to determine all these domains used by the Web App at a single point in time, we have decided not to support domain whitelisting, as this process is not viable or effective in the long run.
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