The Tasks feature helps you to keep track of your work.
This feature is available to you if your company has the Employee Experience Suite.
Where to find Tasks
You can find Tasks on the home screen, under 'Shortcuts':
Or in the 'More' tab, under 'Toolbox':
How to create a new Task
Web App
Mobile App
The first option is to go to Tasks and tap the "+" icon in the bottom right of the screen.
Or you can create a Task from a chat message, by long pressing on the message and then clicking 'Add to Tasks'.
You can then give the task a title and description, set a due date and if you like, you can attach images. Task titles can be max 200 characters (anything else should go in the description).
You can also add links to posts, Beekeeper Documents or Forms, by pasting the link into the 'Links and attachments' section.
Completing Tasks
Tasks which are marked as done are moved from the main task view to the 'Completed' area.
Tasks will remain under ‘Completed’ for 7 days from the date when they’re marked as done.
Tasks on your Home Screen
Tasks will also appear on your app home screen. Please note that tasks with due date longer than 7 days from the current date will not appear in the view. However tasks without the due date will be listed there.
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